When buying a work, you pay over the webpage or upon delivery, if you are not satisfied with the work upon receipt, the purchase will be declared cancelled and you will not have to pay anything. When renting a work, you pay a one-time warrant of 850€ and a monthly rent of 25€. When you decide to cancel the monthly payment, the work will be viewed as purchased and the value of the drawing will be deducted from the deposit, the difference will then be refunded. If you wish to change the work during the rental period with one of the available works, this can be done on a simple request via a message on contact. This switching between works, can be done free of charge, up to three times a year. If you wish to buy a work, you can do so at the indicated price. If you wish to leave the rental contract, you can do so by simple request; If the work is in the same condition as the condition delivered, you will receive your warrant back. If the work is damaged but repairable, you will lose half of the warrant amount, if the work is damaged beyond repair, you may keep the work and you will lose your warrant. Please contact me for further questions.